Awesome car, S2K. I owned an AP2 when it was new in 2005. I wasn’t too keen on the newer 2006 & up w their updated DBW shifters. And took a liking to the earlier AP1 but never drove one.
Here is a simple idea for everyone to add longenvity of their rear pads and rotors ... what if we simply engage the manual in any gear on a LEVEL ground when parking the ITS without engaging the EPB button ?
No wonder why I had to replace my rear pads so quickly on my 24 ITS (at 11700 miles last week). I don’t let the brakes cool down when sitting at idle & I always engage the EPB then leave the car in 2nd gear when parked. It’s a daily car for me, no track time whatsoever. I will try this from here...
Sorry to hear about your friend. One of my favorite colors, my local dealer received one this week 25 model same color. Was very tempted to trade considering I am having new rear pads installed at 11700 miles and resurfacing the rotors. The rears go quick on these cars I read.
Just to bump this thread, I will be ordering a new set of tires late December into early January ... my rear pads will be getting replaced at the dealer on Weds. I am down to 2mm of rear pads (11600 miles). Any alterantives to the Michelins and any sales popping up anyone know about ?
Well I had them rotate the tires. Now I have more rubber up front & the rear a lot less. So I plan to do it a bit early. It’s a daily driver really. Stock tires yes & will prob go w the same ones unless I opt for an all season tire ? I’m guessing between rear pads, resurface rear rotors. Tires...
Funny i stumbled upon this thread today. I was just at the dealer yesterday for a screw removal in rear tire. I had all 4 tires rotated and I’m at 11600 miles roughly. One of the sr techs there pointed out my rear pads are running a little thin. Recommended to get new rear pads in next few 1000...
It does list 87 - 93 octane on the gas cap lid shown above. I realize to avoid 87 if all possible. I was just thinking of having a soare bottle or two of an additive laying around my place in case of a future jam during storm season.